Photo courtesy of Disneyland Resort
Friendship has been the central theme of Pixar Fest and the celebration has been a great way to enjoy the summer alongside friends. In the spirit of bringing friends to ‘get more happy’ (especially those that don’t have Annual Passes), the Disneyland Resort has given Annual Passholders a special ticket offer.
Between now and September 3 (the end of Pixar Fest), APs may purchase up to two discounted 1-Day Park Hopper tickets at the Disneyland Resort Main Entrance ticket booths or Disney Desk locations at participating Good Neighbor Hotels, for day of visit only— up to 40% off a 1-Day Park Hopper ticket for a friend! The price of the ticket depends on the day you plan to go.
You can download the calendar by clicking here. (PDF)
Special Passholder Ticket Prices
- Value Park Hopper Price: $89
- Regular Park Hopper Price: $99
- Peak Park Hopper Price: $109
Make sure to check the calendar to make sure that your Annual Passport is valid on the day that you purchase the ticket for your friend. If it isn’t, then you won’t be able to purchase the ticket (and you’re blocked out from the Park – double bummer!)
This is a special deal because Annual Passholders do not typically get discounts on Disneyland tickets – ever. So if you’re planning a trip and your friend doesn’t have an Annual Passport, this is a great deal to take advantage of. Be warned, however, that with summer season comes long lines at the ticket windows – so be prepared to get to the Parks early. As mentioned above, you can also purchase tickets at participating Disney Desks at Good Neighbor Hotels.
Enjoy the summer of friendship at Pixar Fest!