Disneyland Moms are a special breed. We live for the magic and go to great lengths to share the hope, joy and inspiration of the Disneyland Resort with our kids. From our days in the parks there are truths we know that other moms don’t.
Without further ado, here are 25 things that Disneyland Moms know that other moms don’t:
1. What it feels like to be a pack mule.
2. Suckers are a rite of passage.
3. As are mouse ears.
4. And sword fights can happen at any moment… even with a queen.
5. An empty bathroom is reason enough to take a picture.
6. As is a cute hat–even if your kid disagrees.
7. That sometimes moms like the characters more than our kids do.
8. Overnight diapers mean more fun for the whole family. Click here to find out why.
9. First Aid offers (free) ibuprofen and acetaminophen… because headaches happen. They even have a glasses repair kit in and can offer families a place to take care of medical needs.
10. That even if your pregnant, you can still waddle through the magic. (Here are some expert tips.)
11. And sometimes babies crawl on the ground… especially when they’re not your first.
12. How to weave through crowds like a ninja while pushing a stroller.
13. The art of getting on and off the parking structure tram sans the help of other adults while juggling your buggy, bags, babies and bolting kiddos.
14. Our kids are crazy powerful!
15. It’s way easier to get your kids for Magic Morning than it is for school.
16. Never wake a sleeping baby.
17. Or toddler.
18. Pirates are real.

19. Even diaper changes are happy at the “Happiest Place on Earth.”
2o. That splitting a fried chicken dinner between three kids is way cheaper than getting kids meals and you can get extra biscuits ala carte.
21. What it’s like to breastfeed a baby on a moving train, while the flowers croon or while posing for a photo with friends and family.
22. The King Triton’s Carousel and King Arthur Carousel rarely have a long wait and alway make kids smile.
23. If Radiator Springs Racers breaks down but you are near the front, you just wait it out and don’t get out of line… even if it is close to nap time.
24. Â When it’s ok to play pranks on your kids.
25. That they’re only young once and these moments are fleeting. so we must savor them and drink them in with our eyes and hearts so that when they are too big for cuddles we will still see them in our mind’s eye giggling and full of wonder.
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I love going through all the different sections you have here!!! I am totally a disney mom & kid at heart!! I am planning a surprise trip over memorial break and I can’t wait. Thank you for helping me prepare to tackle Disneyland with a 3 year old and a 9 month old!!! 🙂