On October 23, 2012, DisneyToon Studios released the fourth installment of their popular straight to DVD animated film series based on the Disney Fairies franchise, starring the mischievous, and lovable, Tinker Bell. This time, Tink ventures into the forbidden world and discovers a Frost Fairy named Periwinkle, who shares some remarkably familiar traits with our Tinker-Talented Fairy. Disney’s Secret Of The Wings introduces fans of this beloved series to their newest Fairy – Periwinkle (voiced by Lucy Hale), who has a talent for creating frost and winter wonderlands whenever and wherever she desires.
Finally, Rene Torrico returned to the stage to thank guests for joining them for the event and as he spreads a little fairy dust, like magic Tinker Bell and her pixie sister Periwinkle return to the stage for a dramatic fairy dance to officially unveil this newest Resort experience.
Each skating session lasts 60 minutes and will cost $15.00 for adults and $12.00 for children ages 2 to 12. The ice rink will also offer rental skates for $3.00 and for the younger skaters, Disney offers double-bladed skates. Hours of operation are Sunday through Thursday 11:00 AM to 9:30 PM, Friday and Saturday 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM. The ice rink does require all skaters to wear an approved helmet for safety reasons. Every 30 minutes the ice rink will offer their “WOW” moment, in the form of a whimsically choreographed light display set to the Secret Of The Wings song The Great Divide, by the McClain Sisters.