Exciting news for all Disney Junior fans! The very first Disney Junior Original Movie will air this month!
On Friday, June 20th at 7 p.m., ET/PT, tune in to catch the debut of “Lucky Duck” – the story of a group of misfit tub toys who are in search of kids who will love them just the way they are. The main characters are Lucky (voiced by Christian Borle) and unflappable rubber ducky with a broken squeaker; Flo (voiced by Megan Hilty) an extroverted hippo with mismatched eyes; and Snap (voiced by Tom Cavanaugh) a timid turtle. The trio find themselves stranded at sea when the cargo ship they are being transported on is caught in a storm.
Showcasing its musical theater cast, “Lucky Duck” features six original songs, including the ballad “I’m a Lucky Duck,” the up-tempo “Tub Toy Twist” and the heartfelt “Friends Will See You Through.”
Check out the exclusive first-look trailer, here.
If you happen to miss the premiere, or don’t have the Disney Junior channel, it will be replaying on Saturday, June 21 on the Disney Channel at 9:00 a.m., ET/PT. AND for added fun, On Monday, June 16, DisneyJunior.com/LuckyDuck will launch with the online puzzle game “Tub Toy Tumble.”
I don’t know about you, but I’m setting my DVR right now!
Disney Junior’s First Original Movie “Lucky Duck” Out June 20th
June 4, 2014 in All Posts, babies & toddlers, disney junior, Jessica by Jessica McConnel(Visited 1,096 times, 20 visits today)
hello just wonder wondering if there will be a hard copy dvd of disney lucky duck coming out in australia as it is my 19mth old sons favourite movie to watch n has been removed off my planner which is devastating
thank you 😊
Hello! I see that it is available for digital download on Amazon and iTunes, but I can’t find any hard copies available – I’ll keep my eyes peeled for any sign or mention of it!