Welcome to the first Disney Blog Hop of May. I hope you are enjoying beautiful spring weather in your neck of the woods. It has been HOT here in beautiful Southern California. f this is your first blog hop, welcome! This is a great way to meet other Disney bloggers and check out all the great Disney news and info across the blogosphere.
If you are a Disney Blog Hop regular, I’m glad you are back and love learning about all of you. A week or two ago, I published a post for Disney blogger newbies about giveaways. I have a few new posts up my sleeve but was wondering what you have wanted to know about blogging but don’t know who to ask. Please leave a comment below and let me know what your question is.
As for all of you, I have a question. If you follow me on Twitter or are Babes In Disneyland fan on Facebook, you have probably seen me float the question out there. Here is my question: I am thinking about merging my Babes In Disneyland blog and website over to my www.babesindisneyland.com address and using WordPress. I’m not worried about moving over my website content, but I am worried about moving my blog and losing my followers, feeds, etc. Has anyone moved their blog from blogger to WordPress? I would love to pick your brain if possible. Please leave me a comment so I can contact you.
On to the blog hop:
• This blog hop is for ALL Disney-related blogs, whether you blog about the parks, animation, a specific character, Disney corporate, etc. If you are a blogger who covers Disney, feel free to enter, but be sure to enter a URL that directly sends readers to your Disney-taged posts.
• Enter your blog below.
• Check out the other blogs and follow them through Google Friend Connect, on Facebook, etc. Just let ’em know you checked them out and like what they are doing. We all like to know we have new readers. I see you do it on other blogs, so make sure you let me know too!
• Welcome new readers to your blog! Each week we do something a little bit different. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE WEEKLY THEME/POST TO PARTICIPATE. This week we are writing posts about Disney and food. Remember it doesn’t have to do with the parks; you can write about Disney movies and food, cooking Disney recipes at home, visiting the Disney Soda Fountain in Hollywood,…you get the picture. This week I wrote about dealing with food allergies at the Disneyland Resort. Stop by and read my informative piece.
• Also optional, please consider posting the Disney Blog Hop button on your blog or web site so that we can spread the word. It would also be great if you wouldn’t mind tweeting about the blog hop so that more Disney blogs with participate.
And one last thing…
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dizzneemomma.com says
I had no followers when I moved my blog from blogspot to wordpress so I can’t address your question…but WDW Moms Panelist Kaylene recently transferred hers, so maybe you could ask her about the experience.
Tricia says
Since you already have your own URL, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. The real trouble happens when you try to move from myblog.blogspot.com to myblog.wordpress.com.
Zach says
As a web developer, I have done this a few times! Get everything setup on your new blog, typically the URL is – blog.babesin … or /blog/.
Once you have everything moved over, it is best to do 301 redirects if you are allowed to. This tells Search Engines that X post on the old blog can be found at X place on the new blog.
Finally, you announce in a blog post the new URL and ask everyone to subscribe over there. This catches anyone who reads your feed via RSS. Every week or so following, make a post that tells people to move to the new site until you believe everyone has figured things out.
Good luck! Let me know if you need to talk!
THE Disneyland Mom says
Zach – Is it hard to do the “redirect?”
Zach says
If you have access, you do it via your .htaccess file that is hosted on your server. You just list out all your current posts and then tell them where to go.
Zach says
If you have access, you do it via the .htaccess file located on your server. You do the following for every post :
redirect permanent /javascript-debugging-consoledebug http://zach.holmquist.me/2009/01/08/javascript-debugging-consoledebug/
That is an example when I moved from my old domain to a new domain with a different URL structure.
It is the easiest and quickest, but whomever you are hosting with may not allow you to edit the .htaccess file.
Disney Diva Tips says
I moved my site over after about 9 months from DisneyDivatips.blogspot.com to http://magicalmemoryplanners.com
I did follow up posts to tell people about it and moved over my content but all in all its been pretty successful. I would love to join your blog hop too!