I have never used cloth diapers with my three children, and won’t even begin to pretend I know what I’m talking about, but for those of you who do and may need a place to rinse your diapers or if your kiddos have a “blow out” while at Disneyland, this is the post for you.
Over at the Baby Center on Main Street, there is a huge sink for washing such “troubles” away. Now, like I said, I don’t use cloth diapers, but way back in the stone ages when I worked at Disneyland for the department that runs the Baby Center, I was told that this sink was for washing out diapers. It is often used by moms and dads to rinse soiled baby clothing as well. (I have definitely used it for that purpose.) The Baby Care Center Cast Members will even supply you with a plastic bag for wet and soiled items.
See more blog posts featuring information on the Disneyland Resort Baby Care Centers by clicking here.
Awesome! I did not know about that! I don’t cloth diaper, but I once was the target of a very full bird and I could have rinsed my shirt out in that sink.
I CD and LOVE this bit of info… while I’ve never had to rinse a diaper off in public it’s good to know that Disneyland has a place for it 🙂