[…] a free downloadable “May the Force be with You” bunting or this Star Wars characters bunting. The characters bunting website is in Swedish. It looks very […]
If you are looking to plan a Star Wars themed party then you have come to the right place! Here we share our tips and ideas for throwing an out-of-this-world Star Wars birthday party including theme, decor, treat bags, and food. We’ve included lots of pictures to get your creative juices flowing and best of all, some FREE PRINTABLES for you to use for your party decor and more!
The theme is Star Wars of course! You can quickly make your theme known by having the classic Star Wars soundtrack music playing or even one of the movies playing in the background. It helps if you can choose a color palette for your theme – I chose blue, red, yellow, white, black, and some gray. This will help you to make decisions when deciding what to buy or make for the party.
For decorations, my only two criteria are that they must be A) simple, and B) inexpensive. Here is what I did:
- Use what you already have. Have your kids round up every Star Wars toy/book/poster/etc. that you own and use them as decorations, I guarantee you’ll be surprised at how much you find!
- Do a “photo shoot”. Have your child put on their favorite Star Wars shirt or costume, get some props, and let them be silly with fun poses. I used my computer to help me add some cute phrases onto my pictures to make them extra special, like “Jedi Liam” and “Six, Liam is”. Print these picture for fun, unique decorations, that will also be a great keepsake for you.
- Create a backdrop. For mine, I hung two long pieces of black butcher paper that I glued some di-cut paper stars on – it was really basic, but it added a lot of theme to the room! I put the dessert table in front of the backdrop at first, and moved it afterwards so the the kids could get their pictures in front of it as a photo booth type thing (but kids are hard to wrangle, and one decent picture was all I got, oh well).
- Get crafty. There was a ton of cute Star Wars party stuff to be found online and in story that I could buy, but then I found these free Star Wars fonts online and used them to make everything from invitations to banners to labels myself! I’m sharing ALL OF THIS WITH YOU FOR FREE down below – don’t miss it it!
Treat Bags:
To make personalized treat bags for each guest I purchased plain brown paper bags and printed each child’s name in the Star Wars font to attach to the front. Inside the treat bags I put inexpensive items like Star Wars stickers and pencils, and then let the kids choose their own candy from the dessert table to put in. I also purchased some Star Wars photo booth props, similar to these, that you purchase, download, print, and cut out – that each child could choose from. And finally, I made some super easy but fun “lightsaber” bubble wands by simply spray painting the ends silver.
Food & Drink:
There are loads of great Star Wars themed food ideas out there, here are just a few ideas:
- “Hoth Water” (just plain water)
- “Yoda Soda” (mixture of sprite and limeade)
- “Meteor” Oreo Pops (adapted from this Kraft recipe) – just add a stick before freezing and dipping in chocolate
- Cupcakes decorated with a Wal-mart Star Wars cupcake kit (no longer available)
- “Lightsaber” Pretzel Stick Pops (adapted from this Kraft recipe) – just use matching or clear sugar sprinkles to your melting chocolate, then wrap the ends in aluminum foil
- An assortment of candies in the party-theme colors
Finally we have the PRINTABLES – the paper decorations, invitations, signs, etc. mentioned above that you can print out and put together at home – for FREE!

Invites, they are! Be sure to click the links to download the PDFs for best print quality.
I copied all of my items onto white cardstock so they would hold up better. There are three files to download, click on the title to see the document:
STAR WARS PARTY SIGNS: print and cut out to use any way you choose…
- 8×11 of the Rebel symbol – black and white
- drink labels for “Hoth Water” and “Yoda Soda” – yellow and black
STAR WARS PARTY DECORATIONS: 2 bunting pieces per sheet, print and cut out – put together with tape, clips, or hole punch and string onto twine or ribbon – or however you like…
- “May the Force be With You” bunting – in black and white
- “Happy Birthday Jedi” bunting – in yellow and black
STAR WARS PARTY INVITATIONS: 2 invitations per page, print and fill them out – colors are black, white, gray, yellow, dark blue

An example of what the yellow and black bunting looks like.
Also check out this Babes in Disneyland post for more Star Wars activities.