The CHOC Walk in the Park is just around the corner. On October 16th, thousands of CHOC Children’s supporters will walk through the Disneyland Resort at the 21st Annual CHOC Walk in the Park. Last year, over 14,000 participants raised $2 million helping to support the care, services, education and research that CHOC provides children. Now, every step means more. As CHOC expands the services provided throughout the community, your support will help more children–in addition to making sure that every child who is in need will receive care regardless of their family’s ability to pay.
So far, the Team Babes In Disneyland is up to 9 members and has raised a whopping $525! I am so proud of our team and hope than many more of you will join us in this one-of-a-kind experience at the Disneyland Resort. Ever wanted to see backstage or get some great pictures of the resort before it opens to guests? The CHOC Walk in the Park is your chance to experience the park before daily operation begins while raising money for CHOC and showing your support for the doctors, nurses and other pediatric specialists who are dedicated to treating children of all ages–grom the tiniest babies to young adults.
On October 16, the team will be meeting at the wee hours of the morning in front of Disneyland and walking together. The plan, so far, is to all go to breakfast afterward–either inside the parks or at a restaurant. This is a great opportunity to meet other Babes In Disneyland readers and Disney fans.
You can join the Babes In Disneyland team by clicking this link. You will then sign up for the Walk and pledge to raise at least $50. All Walk participants, ages 3 and older, need to raise at least $50 to partake in the Walk. The $50 must be raised prior to the Walk.
If you cannot join our team but would like to contribute to CHOC, you can sponsor me by clicking here. I will post other opportunities to sponsor our other walkers as they become available.
If you have any questions, please stop by the Facebook page for the Babes In Disneyland CHOC Walk Team.
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Do we have to have a disney pass or is entrance to the park free if we’re participating in the walk? Thanks! Elizabeth Esther.
how much is it to get in the park?
Here’s a link to info on a discounted admission ticket offered to walk participants.