Now that my kids are older (the youngest is 8 and the oldest is 13), people often ask what we now bring to the parks. With three kids all 2 1/2 years apart, there was a time when trips to Disneyland meant becoming a pack mule and bringing everything but the kitchen sink. Even though the kids are older, we still bring a few items with us to the parks. AND, one of the best parts about my kids getting older is that I no longer have to carry the backpack–the kids do it!
If you’re heading to Disneyland with older kiddos this summer, here are my favorite must-haves that provide us some basic conveniences while allowing us to travel light:
Small Backpack
For our trips to the parks, we opt for a not-to-big backpack. We use an R2D2 backpack that isn’t a tiny kids’ backpack, but not a full-size adult backpack. We find that it provides plenty room for the necessities we need without being too cumbersome or heavy. (If it’s too heavy, the kids won’t carry it!)
- Don’t bring a laptop backpack! The extra foam used to encase the laptop isn’t necessary (in case you’ve decided to carry a laptop around Disneyland). The foam adds a lot of extra weight and takes up precious space for things like sweaters and snacks.
- Do bring a backpack that everyone will be willing to carry. If you are the parent of a tween or teen, you know how crazy picky they can be. Give all the kids input on the backpack… or just go with a solid black or gray bag that no one can argue is uncool. (Of course… they’ll find a way to complain about it regardless…) Our tried-and-true backup backpack (and really my personal preference) is a plain, black Jansport Classic. These backpacks last FOREVER and are a great investment. If you do opt to bring a plain backpack to the parks, be sure to personalize it with ribbons, buttons, etc. so that it is easier to identify if it is lost or stolen.

Not long after you ditch the diaper bag, your kids can become keepers of the backpack! It is a glorious thing!
In sunny So Cal, sunscreen is a must year-round. My kids and I recently tried out EVER’s DAYLIGHT
Radiance Moisturizer with broad-spectrum sunscreen SPF 32 and make sure to have it with us when we hit the parks so we can reapply it as needed.
A few months ago, I started noticing that one of the boys was developing some freckles and my other son, who wears glasses had “raccoon eyes” every time he took off his specs. Enough was enough and it was time to find a daily, paraben and phthalate free solution that would not just protect their beautiful skin, but nourish it. The problem is, my kids have very, very sensitive skin and every time I tried a facial sunscreen on them, they would break out or get little blemishes. EVER’s sunscreen has been a dream come true. No breakouts or rashes! It has a light citrus scent and goes on super sheer and a little goes a very long way. I have been using it as well and it is fantastic under my regular CC cream. We don’t just use EVER’s sunscreen on Disneyland days; my kids and I are now using it every day since we received it about a month ago.
I was introduced to EVER’s sunscreen by my friend Jen who is a mom of two, family practice doctor and EVER consultant. (We’ve also been friends since middle school!) If you want to learn more about this awesome chemical-free, nourishing sunscreen and moisturizer and healthy living in general, I encourage you to join Jen’s Facebook group. She can answer a lot of your questions about skincare and EVER line of products.
Reusable Water Bottles
While free ice water at all of the food service locations that serve beverages in cups (as opposed to bottled drinks), it’s usually way easier to just bring your own and refill it while you’re in the parks. There are numerous bottle-filling spigots throughout the parks and you can always get cups of ice water from the restaurants and add the water to your bottle.
Device Chargers
When you’re on the go, there’s nothing worse than losing power on your phone. We always bring a portable phone charger (or two) for the parks. This is especially important because we always take a photo of where we park before heading into the parks so that we don’t forget where we left the car after a long day of fun.
Other Nice-to-have Items
The items below aren’t totally necessary, but take up a minimal amount of space and make our visits more pleasant.
- Snacks: When you have tweens and teens, the need for snacks goes without saying. Now that two of my kids have braces, it’s super important for me to have things on hand that they can safely eat and that won’t leave a giant mess in their braces.
- Hand Sanitizer: I opt for the tiny, travel-size bottles they sell at Target.
- Hidden Mickey Book: As kids get older, especially if they are Disneyland Resort regulars, a hidden mickey book can be a really fun way to create new magic while in the parks. Check out the selection of Hidden Mickey books on Amazon! There are many to choose from. Check out this post on the fun to be had looking Hidden Mickeys in the parks.
- Pin lanyard: While the pin trading craze isn’t exactly at the height it was a few years ago, I still encourage my kids to bring their lanyards. I love that in order to trade pins, my kids (especially my shy son) have to speak with an adult and carry on a conversation. If you haven’t jumped into the pin-trading game, here are some tips for starting your kiddos on their journey.
- Thin blanket: This is more for me than the kids. I prefer a little something to sit on while waiting for parades.