Growin up, Thor was never my favorite comic book character. Even within the realm of the Marvel Universe, it was a bit “too out there,” even for a comic nerd like me. But when the first Thor film came out, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. A big part of my new appreciation for Thor is because of Chris Hemsworth. His ability to combine comedy and believability has continued to be the reason the Thor franchise is so successful.
Thinking back to “Thor: The Dark World,” it was kind of a mess and letdown, but we did get more of the relationship with Thor and Jane until it disappeared in “Thor: Ragnarok.” Director Taika Watiti brought us, what is in my opinion, the second-best Marvel movie ever, after the original Iron Man. Ragnarok was visually stunning and hilarious. The more outrageous it became, the more we bought into the world and the story. Chris Hemsworth and Valkyrie, played by the amazing Tessa Thompson, formed a great team, and we were introduced to Korg, played by director Taika Watiti, who is now a constant in the Universe. His funny line delivery and ridiculous appearance is a welcome addition for sure.

(L-R): Director Taika Waititi as Korg and Chris Hemsworth as Thor on the set of Marvel Studios’ THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER
Why should you run out to see “Thor: Love and Thunder”?
So now we get the fourth movie in the Thor series, “Thor: Love and Thunder.” Is it any good? Yes. IT IS AWESOME. While, in my opinion, it is pretty much impossible for any Marvel film to be as good as Ragnarok, it’s VERY close. The visuals and music alone are a reason to head out to the multiplex on opening day and catch this flick. It is only a tight two hours too, so it never drags at all. There are some surprise appearances by old friends, great new characters, and The Guardians hang out for a short while. (Thankfully, they leave quickly to turn over the film to Thor. This movie is funny and touching. It does not waste time anywhere. Want to know why Christian Bale, who plays Gorr The God Butcher is so mad and out to butcher gods all over the universe, well they lay it all out in the first few minutes of the movie. By the way, he is as great as usual and lends so much to the film as a villain who is not just crazy to be crazy; he is a fully realized character. The best part about Gorr is that he is not CGI! And, no spoiler here, but there are 2 giant goats that join this team and they will have you laughing every time they appear on the screen. Yes, a giant summer Marvel blockbuster, relies on CGI goats for laughs and they completely deliver.

Christian Bale as Gorr in Marvel Studios’ THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER.
Natalie Portman is back!
The film brings back Natalie Portman as ex-girlfriend Jane Foster. If you don’t know by now, she swings the hammer as a Thor this time. Don’t worry, it makes sense, and she is a total badass. She is so cool and ripped and can be your kid’s new hero this summer for sure. She and Thor, the guy with the beard, are great together and along with Valkyrie and Korg, they are like an all new team of…Revengers! That is a callback. Seriously, they all play off each other so well. The film is a tribute to their acting and chemistry. It is a pleasure and believable that these characters are actually going through an incredible adventure. Everyone looks like they are having a blast in this movie. That’s the thing with this film. It is a good time at the theater and you should not wait to catch it on Disney +. This is a big-screen experience.

(L-R): Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie and Natalie Portman as Mighty Thor in Marvel Studios’ THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER.
Is Thor: Love and Thunder OK for kids?
To be fair, the film is very very dark in tone. It deals with loss, betrayals, and death. Lots and lots of death. It is hilarious one moment and then extremely sad or dark the next. If you are expecting a rehash of Ragnarok, this isn’t that. If you know the comics you will not be surprised with how Jane becomes a badass Thor, or how the God Butcher finds his new calling. It is shocking how well the director pulls off funny goats, lots of Guns and Roses music, and scary demons and death so that at the end of the film it all comes together and you realize it has been an exhausting two hours, but well worth every minute.
I would say leave the young ones at home until you’ve seen it. There are scary scenes, sad scenes, and some sexual innuendo. It’s a harder PG-13 theme-wise requiring some eye-covering during the film and questions afterward. One important message that does prevail over the dark tones that kids will appreciate is the inner strength that children possess to be their own heroes and to fight for what is right. And… when it comes down to it… this is an empowerment message that all kids need to have reinforced right now.
“Thor: Love and Thunder” will be in theaters on July 8, 2022.

(L-R): Natalie Portman as Mighty Thor and Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Marvel Studios’ THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER.