It’s Disney Blog Hop Day again!
Hello and welcome back to the Disney Blog Hop! If you are back again, I’m glad you are here. Be sure to check out the blogs who have signed up, comment on their posts and let them know that you are now following them through Google Friend Connect, Facebook, Twitter, etc. If you are new to the Disney Blog Hop, here’s the “rules”:
- This blog hop is for Disney-related blogs, whether you blog about the parks, animations, a specific character, Disney corporate, etc. HOWEVER, IF YOU ARE ATTENDING THE DISNEY SOCIAL MEDIA MOMS CONFERENCE, BE SURE TO SIGN UP TOO, SO THAT DISNEY FANS CAN READ YOUR COVERAGE OF THE CONFERENCE AND WALT DISNEY WORLD.
- Enter your blog below.
- Check out the other blogs and follow them through Google Friend Connect, on Facebook, etc. Just let ’em know you checked them out and like what they are doing. We all like to know we have new readers.
- ***optional*** Welcome new readers to your blog! Each week we do something a little bit different. This week I am making it easy. Just publish of a favorite Disney memory or write about your favorite Disney memory. You don’t have to do this part to participate. Click here to see some pictures from my most recent magic memory.
- Also optional, please consider posting the Disney Blog Hop button on your blog or web site so that we can spread the word. It would also be great if you wouldn’t mind tweeting about the blog hop so that more Disney blogs with participate.
- Have fun!
Mommy blogs have been blog hopping forever and it’s time for us Disney blogs to do it too! Today through Monday, I’ll be at the Disney Social Media Moms conference. I can’t wait to bring you lots of coverage and posts about my take on Walt Disney World.
I would like to thank Becky with the blog Homeschooling Disney Style for cohosting with me this week. If you are interested in cohosting next week, be sure to leave a comment below!
I hope that you are having a wonderful time down in Disney World! Thank you for allowing me to co-host with you today!
You’re kids experience with Peter Pan and Wendy is priceless! It is a shame that some of these characters aren’t out more often.