Parents and guardians can choose from three Pooh stories “A Blustery Day”, “Happy Mother’s Day” and “A Bouncy Babysitter” to create their own video. Once their video is complete, they simply upload it at to enter the contest. Disney Consumer Products will select the winning video that best showcases creativity, integrates Pooh items, and captures the essence of Winnie the Pooh. The grand prize winner will receive a trip to Los Angeles for a family of four and an assortment of Winnie the Pooh products including toys, books, and other gifts. As an added bonus, the winning video will be added to an upcoming version of Disney’s Winnie the Pooh: Wonder and Wander App, and everyone who downloads the free app will see the “master storyteller” in action.

My mom is the best storyteller ever! I’m not just saying that, she really is. But she doesn’t have time for the traveling demands of first place. She’d totally win it though. 🙂