The Disney Legends program was established in 1987. Each year, the program recognizes individuals whose imagination, creativity, talents and dreams have created Disney magic. The Legends Plaza at the Walt Disney Studios in beautiful Burbank, California was dedicated in October 1998 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Walt Disney Company. The plaza is an amazing place where visitor and employees can reflect upon those who have made Disney magic and history.
I hope you enjoy this glimpse at a truly remarkable place.
The view down the Legends Plaza toward the Team Disney Building |
The Legends Plaza at the Walt Disney Studios |
Annette Funicello, everyone’s favorite Mouseketeer |
Dick Van Dyke – Bert himself! |
Look at Ward Kimball’s plaque. Always a joker, check out how many fingers are on his hands… Also check out the company he keeps: Ollie Johnston, Marc Davis, and Frank Thomas |
Hayley Mills and composer Buddy Baker and company |
Fred MacMurray, the absent minded professor |
Roy and Minnie |
The Partners Statue |
(Visited 1,145 times, 23 visits today)
Lori says
Wow, I want to go there!!! Can anyone visit?
THE Disneyland Mom says
The Legends Plaza is not open to the public. It is only open to Studio employees and guests. 🙁