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Our boys in those early Disneyland days. |
For those of you who have read my book, you know that it is dedicated to my friend, Renata. I thought it was time I shed a little light on our friendship. I met Renata while she was pregnant with her first son about nine years ago. She was teaching fifth grade and I came in as her long-term substitute to assume the last third of the school year. We had never really met–only passed briefly in the halls when I was subbing for other teachers at the school.
At the time, my husband and I were trying to conceive and not being able to get pregnant was an extremely painful issue. At the time, it was heartbreaking to even be around babies or women who were pregnant, but not Renata. There’s something about her that is immediately calming and reassuring. She is the sweetest, kindest person you will ever meet.
In the course of her teaching me the ins and outs of taking over her class, Renata and I came friends. I was grateful, because I was new in town and didn’t really know anyone but my neighbors. She immediately brought my husband and me into the fold with her family and we’ve felt at home with them ever since.
When Renata’s first son, Dylan, was one year old, she was diagnosed with cancer. It hit everyone like a ton of bricks. Mommies with babies shouldn’t get cancer. Period. Like all things in life, however, Renata fought her cancer with grace and dignity and beat it. She has now been free of cancer for seven years and she and her family embrace everyday with a sense of hope and happiness that is nothing short of inspiring.
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I stole this beautiful photo from the site of Liz Lovi photography. If you live near Napa or are planning a Napa wedding, Liz is an amazing photographer! (Yes, I know her and she really is terrific!) |
When my son Aidan was a little guy, Renata and I began going to Disneyland together. Just two moms with their babes blazing a trail from L.A. to Orange County several times each month. Soon, more children followed–another boy for Renata and two more for me. As our kids have gotten older, the trips have become less frequent but the memories have certainly not faded. If it weren’t for those early trips to Disneyland with Renata, there would likely be no Babes In Disneyland and my life would be very, very different.
All of that being said, I am pleased and honored to announce to all of you that Renata has launched a blog called, “The Course of a Life.” This blog will be a year-long daily account of how Renata lives her life through the lens of a cancer survivor. The blog launched on October 6 and you can follow her blog via email by clicking the “follow” button at the bottom right side of the screen. I assure you that her daily posts will fill you with a sense of encouragement, hope and appreciation. Please stop by her blog today and I promise, you’ll be hooked.
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What a wonderful tribute everyone needs someone to hold their hand especially when times are tough and you don’t know from one minute to the next what life has in store for you! Beautifully written and executed! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Lisa — very well written and to the point. Thank you for sharing with us.
Great post Lisa! Renata is one of the strongest people I know…maybe the strongest! She is an inspiration and she reminds me to live life to the fullest!
What a great post! Thanks for sharing this story and this new blog with us. The world needs more people like Renata who can bring that encouragement and hope to others!
Thank you for following her lead and doing the same for those you come in contact with!